Amber gave birth to her third child a baby girl Monday Night (April 12, 2010) at 11:53PM. She weighed in at 5lbs 12 oz and was 19 inches from head to toe. Elizabeth Sue Hansen is what she was named.
Amber did all the hard work! But without Adam ~ Nothing would have been possible!
Look what they created together ~ A Blessing from Above . . . .

Happy New Year!
We hope this year’s letter is finding you and your family well.
Our house has been slower in some areas and busier in others this year. It seems, every time I think things are going to calm down and even out, something new happens. I guess that’s just life.
Adam is still working for Schlumberger in Elk City, so we’ve had no moves this year. Yea! He goes on spurts where he is home almost every night, then goes several weeks where we don’t hardly see him. However, I am still so thankful that we get to see him as much as we do. It is sooo much better than him driving
I (Amber) still love being at home with the kids. They fill my days, and I am never bored. We seem to always have something or another going on, and I love every minute of it… well, most of the time, anyway. One of the highlights for me this past year was being sealed in the Oklahoma City Temple in January. It was a wonderful event for our family, and I am very grateful for all the prayers from our friends and family to help this happen.
Nick turned 5 this year. He started Pre-K in August, and absolutely loves it. His teacher, at parent teacher conference, says that he is at the head of his class, and in October already knew the rest of the year’s curriculum. She has been working with him on his letters to get ready to read for next year. I just hope he has a good teacher next year, and isn’t bored. He was very confused at
the beginning of school, wondering why he couldn’t have homework. So, I fixed him, and we do “homework” several times a week now. I must admit, I have a mini-me. I just hope he continues to like school and continues to do well. Time
will tell…
Zack is 3, and getting to be quite the big boy. He wears size 5 clothes, and is nearly as tall as Nick. He loves that brother goes to school, and loves the one-on-one time that him and I get nearly every day. He is his little sister’s biggest protector, and is in her hip pocket at her every waking moment. He is the most loving little boy I’ve ever known, but it can flip on the drop of a dime. We are still working on getting him to verbally express his emotions,
because he holds a lot in. Hmmm… sounds like someone else I know.
Beth joined our family in April. She made it just a few minutes before midnight on the 12th. She was four weeks early and weighed 5 pounds 12 oz. She is growing fast, though, and will be 9 months old this month. Seems like they grow faster and faster. She is, by far, the busiest child of the three, and is army crawling
wherever she wants to go. It won’t be long and she will be crawling on all fours. She loves to growl, eat, and play with her brothers.
We were very fortunate to be able to travel this year. We made trips to Fort Worth, Colorado, Utah, and Idaho, all to visit with family that we’ve missed terribly. It was wonderful getting to see everyone, and we look forward to being able to travel again soon.
Two other exciting events for my extended family were my grandparent’s 50th wedding anniversary this year and my little cousin, Brandon, getting married. On the flip side of that, my great Granny passed away this summer, and she will be greatly missed. And we also lost our first furry baby, Shadow, to the heat this
summer. Snoopy, along with the rest of us, really misses him.
I think that is all the highlights of our 2010. We hope that each and every one of you are doing well, enjoyed your holidays, and have a wonderful 2011.
Adam, Amber, Nick, Zack, and Beth