What a year!
Syrena turned 14 this year and thinks she is going on 18. She is our first child to enter High School and is a Freshman. She still hates school but loves the social scene. She is such a joy to have around! For those of you that have Facebook or Instagram can see that she loves to take self portraits and is always changing her photo. She loves to race her sister to see who can get the most likes on pictures (even if it is a picture they take of a sibling - as long as they are the one that takes and posts the picture they are the one that get's the credit). She loves her long hair and has fun coming up with different hair do's.
T'leese turned 12 this year but will be turning 13 in a few weeks. She loves to hang out with her big sister and her twin sister Stormy (who was born the same day and 17 minutes before T'leese - Stormy's mom even has a photo of the two girls as babies in the hospital nursery - how cool is that). T'leese loves the outdoors and loves softball. She played this last summer and for the most part played the position of first base. When she got sick her first concern was - Will I still be able to play softball? - With working hard at her therapy and strengthening her muscles we hope she will be ready this summer for more outdoor fun.
Tyson Jr turned 10 this year but will be 11 a few days after T'leese's birthday. He is such a spirited little man who is so full of energy. He too had fun on the field this past summer while playing pitching machine. He was able to play the position of the catcher. It was a great way to keep him focused on the game - when he was in the outfield he daydreamed and was off in his own little world but when they moved him to catcher he participated a whole lot more. He has been enjoying the scouting program and loves doing all those fun activities. He can't wait until he gets to do all those fun camping trips.
Shirlynn just turned 8 a few weeks ago and was to be baptized a day after her birthday. However, with T'leese being in the hospital Shirlynn was kind enough to postpone it to January 3, 2015. She was such a sweet little girl to give up her special day so that she could have her whole family attend. Now she wants some "huge" event on her baptism day. - She loves hanging out with her two older sisters and two younger sisters but she seems to have the most fun getting into trouble with her big brother. Her and Tyson are quite a pair! Just the other day they were trying to start a fire in the basement. . . (Ya - they can't be left alone) or building a fun fort with blankets, pillows, and all the chairs in the house.
T'Kierra turned 5 back in February and hated that she had to wait until September for school to begin. She just loves kindergarten but hates to get up so early. Half the time she eats her breakfast in the car on the way to the school. T'Kierra looks a lot like her older sister Syrena when Syrena was her age. We even pulled out a few pictures of Syrena and showed them to T'Kierra. T'Kierra thought they were pictures of her. T'Kierra loves everyone and tries her best to make everyone happy. She loves playing with her older sisters and loves to be dressed up in make-up. She also loves her cousins and is always asking when we can go to Granny's house to play with all her cousins.
Shaustia turned 3 last January 31 and has such a personality. She loves the movie Frozen, all of the Barbie movies, Dora, and the boy Dora (Diego). She loves to use her imagination and act out all of her favorite movies. She adores all of her older sisters and her big brother. She loves to be the center of attention yet when everyone looks at her she acts all shy and becomes giggly (That is why we had to hide the camera on the table so she would not know she was being recorded in the video below - we thought you would enjoy a peek at her happy/bubbly personality).
Tyson and Sabrina celebrated their 15th wedding anniversary this year and are looking forward to many more (we figured we better use a wedding anniversary instead of telling how old we are - we don't want to have to think about that). Our children are our world, Tyson works so very hard at RS&I to provide for the family while Sabrina spends all his hard earned money :) (too bad it is spent on bills and not fun stuff). . . . and she also takes care of the kids. Tyson is currently the Webelos leader, so he gets to work with his son in scouts. Sabrina use to be his partner but was released a few months back (However, the guy called to be his current partner moved away 2 weeks after being called and Sabrina has filled in).
This past Thanksgiving we were blessed to have the Walker family (about 40ish people) come to our home to celebrate and eat turkey. We were so happy to open our home and feel ourselves fortunate to have so many wonder family members. |
Then Christmas we spent with the Hansen side which was equally a blessing. |
We count ourselves fortunate to have so many family members live so close to us. Our lives have been touched and blessed because of the willingness of everyone to work at keeping our family's together (even those that do not live so close). There are so many families that as they grow up they grow apart. . . but with Jerry and Ranae working hard at the head of one family and Allen and Pam working hard at the head of the other family we are always given "opportunities" to share time with one another, touch one anthers hearts, and grow as a family in love and unity.
Happy New Year Everyone!
May the next Year be just as full of fun memories and opportunities to grow as a family.
We love you all!
The Tyson Walker Bunch!!!!!